Parks & Recreation

Stronach Township is blessed with an abundance of recreational opportunities within the
confines of its borders. The rich natural resources of the area allow for an ample variety of
recreational opportunities, from fishing, kayaking and canoeing on the Little Manistee River
to hiking, biking, horseback riding or hunting on the lands of the Manistee National Forest.

Stronach Township is in the unique position of having recreational opportunities through
several governmental entities. These include recreational assets held by the Township,
those held by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR)
and those held by the United States Forest Service (USFS).


Stronach Township Park

  • The Stronach Township Park, a neighborhood park, is primarily used for local community and group meetings and outdoor activities, little league baseball games and children’s recreation. The park is close to 5 acres.

  • 6 Picnic Tables
    2 Covered Picnic Areas
    2 Grills
    Potable Water Source
    Playground Equipment
    Baseball Field

  • Stronach Township Park is located along Water Street in what is referred to as the “Village of Stronach”.

Claybank Park

  • Claybank Park is approximately 42 acres in size and primarily used for community meetings, outdoor recreation and children’s recreation. With much of the park undeveloped natural area, it would be suitable for future trail development.

  • 7 Picnic Areas
    2 Large Pcinic Shelters
    4 Grills
    Potable Water Source
    Playground Equipment
    Basketball Court
    ADA Accessibility

  • Claybank Park is located on the east side of S. Skocelas Road just south of the M-55 intersection.

Federal Recreation Sites

Marzinski Trailhead

  • The Marzinski Trailhead is one of two trailheads in Stronach Township devoted to horseback riding trails. The site is a campground and has designated trails withing the Manistee National Forest.

  • 21 Picnic Tables
    21 Grills
    Potable Water Source
    Fire Pits at each Campsite
    20 Campsites
    Rustic Camping
    ADA Accessibility
    Hunting Access (on public lands only)

  • The Marzinski Trailhead is located east off of Marzinski Road on Forest Road 9925. To reach the site, follow M-55 east from the City of Manistee, then take a right on Marzinski Road, turning east onto Forest Road 9925 approximately ¼ of a mile south of the M-55-Marzinski Road intersection.

Big M Trailhead

  • This well maintained recreation site is an access location to the many hiking, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing and mountain biking trails that are located in the Udell Hills.

  • 6 Picnic Tables (inside lodge)
    Potable Water Source
    Large Enclosed Lodge
    Fire Pits
    Garbage Recepticles
    Hunting Access (on public lands only)
    Rustic Camping
    ADA Accessibility

  • The Big M Trailhead is a developed trailhead site located off Udell Hills Road. The site can be reached by following M-55 east from the City of Manistee, then turning south onto Udell Hills Road. The Big M Trailhead location is appropriately signed and can be found on the west side of Udell Hills Road down Forest Road 8234.

Steinberg Trailhead

  • The trailhead is a starting location for those wishing to horseback ride the trail systems that extend through Stronach Township on USFS lands. While the use of this trail system is primarily devoted to horseback riding, some hiking takes place. The recreation site is developed and contains parking, restrooms and other amenities.

  • Trails
    1 Picnic Table
    1 Grill
    Hunting Access (on public land only)

  • This trailhead is located on the south side of Steinberg Road just east of the Stronach Road intersection.

River Overlook

  • The River Overlook is used primarily as an access site to the Little Manistee River by fishermen or those wishing to have a scenic view of the river itself.

  • Trails
    Fishing Access (on public lands only)
    Hunting Access (on public lands only)

  • The River Overlook can be reached via Little River Road heading east from Stronach Road. The Overlook is found at the end of Forest Road 8242 which heads south from Little River Road until one reaches the bluff along the Little Manistee River.

Kennedy Farm

  • Kennedy Farm is a rural recreational site and, as such, has very little site development.Kennedy Farm is a site where one can access forest service property along the Little Manistee River, and with a short hike from the parking area, access the river itself.

  • Trails
    Fishing Access (with a little hiking, on public lands only)
    Hunting Access (on public lands only)

  • Kennedy Farm can be reached by traveling east on Old Stronach Road then turning north on Forest Road 5600, just before reaching Custer Road.

Chicago Boy Rollway

  • This is a rural site that allows access to the Little Manistee River and rustic camping. The site is undeveloped except for the installation of steps that allow one to access the river easily from the bluff. There are exceptional views of the river valley from this vantage point.

  • Parking
    Rustic Camping
    Fishing Access (on public lands only)
    Hunting Access (on public lands only)

  • Chicago Boy Rollway can be reached via Little River Road heading southeast from Stronach Road. It is located on the south side of Little River Road just west of the Forest Road 8452 intersection.

State Recreation Sites

Manistee Lake Boat Launch

  • The Manistee Lake Boat Launch area is approximately 4 acres in size and is used by fisherman and recreational boaters seeking access to lower Manistee Lake.

  • 1 Picnic Table
    Boat Launch
    Canoe/Kayak Area
    Fishing Access (ADA accessible pier)
    Restrooms (ADA accessible)
    ADA Accessibility

  • The Manistee Lake Boat Launch is loacted along the eastern shore of Manistee Lake just north of the Little Manistee River outlet.

Little Manistee Weir

  • The Little Manistee Weir is a DNR operated fish weir and egg/milt collection facility. The Weir provides a location for fisherman to access the river when the season is open. Canoeists and kayakers also use the site as a location to access the river.

  • Trails
    Fishing Access
    Canoe & Kayak Access

  • The facility is located off the north side of Old Stronach Road between Old Stronach Road Bridge and 6 Mile Road Bridge.

Old Stronach Bridge

  • The Old Stronach Bridge caters to fisherman, canoeists and kayakers who wish to access the river.

  • 1 Picnic Table
    1 Grill
    Canoe/Kayak Launch
    Fishing Access (on public land only)
    Hunting Access (on public land only)

  • Old Stronach Bridge is located where Old Stronach Road crosses the Little Manistee River.

9-Mile Bridge

  • 9-Mile Bridge recreation site is largely undeveloped, but has a well maintained river access. It is heavily used by canoeist and kayakers seeking access to the river, as well as fisherman.

  • Trails
    Canoe/Kayak Launch
    Fishing Access (on public lands only)
    Hunting Access (on public lands only)
    Fishing Line Recycling Box

  • To reach this recreation site, follow Skocelas Road south until reaching the 9-Mile Bridge. The access is located immediately adjacent to the south side of the bridge on the west side of the road.